

I owe a lot of people in my life an apology but i didn’t have the courage to reach out to them/ i feel like it was way too long ago and i’m not sure if they still care but everyday i am reminded of my action towards them.

To someone who used to be my friend back in primary school, A. I am sorry for ruining our friendship and treating you badly while treating other people better. although you are the one constantly on my side that time. To this one guy i didn’t remember the name, I am sorry for being mean towards you during the kelas Tasmiq. To another A (used to be friend) who moved to another school while were 10 years old, sorry for being competitive about grade until i dislike you at that time and sorry for acting like I didn’t recognize you when you talk to me during UPSR Camp at Kuala Nerang. You deserve better for real.

To someone who used to be really close to me in high school, W. Thank you for being with me and helping me throughout our school year, I am sorry for the way it ended during form 5. I am sorry for being too mean and proud to accept your apology. I am so sorry for treating you like shit. Although we are okay now, I can’t help but remember my mistreatment towards you. And to A, i am sorry for not being a good friend, until now. I am so sorry for not giving you more appreciation for your kindness towards me. To F, sorry for being mean and immature. I wish to take back all of my hurtful word i’ve said to you back in 2020. It was not your fault, and you are the kindest soul in the planet. I hope for you to be happy and successful in whatever you do. If i can turn back time, I wouldn’t hurt you like that, I would be more kind. To I, you are the kindest and nicest person I’ve ever known. I am so sorry for being a bitter bitch and so hateful towards everything that you do. I am so sorry for trying to find your fault even though you have never done anything to me. I am so sorry for having dislike towards you for something so menial.

To my parents, I am so sorry for not being a good daughter and all I ever did was susahkan you. To my siblings, I’m sorry for being mean towards you guys sometimes. Sorry for cursing the hell out when I am mad.

To Kimi my dearest cat, sorry. I am not able to save you, and i didn’t spend a lot of time with you before you died. I never thought that you would leave me anytime soon at that time. You were cute and healthy and at that time you were annoying but I truly wish to see your face again.