

experience with ghosts that I still think about this day:

i only have 2 experiences involving ghost/horror therefore i will list all of them here.

back when i was young, maybe 5/6 years old, i was playing with my toys in the living room and i felt the presence of someone looking at me. i looked at that direction and saw the full body of a black figure looking at me but it was not that scary because it was more like a shadow thing. but i was so scared and i noticed the shadowy figure kept looking at me for a few days afterwards. but i never saw it again after that.

till now, i wonder whether it was true or just part of my illusion. but i think it was real.

next is when i was 11/12 i was obsessed with reading novels at that time. i can finish like 2-3 novel in one day as long as i donā€™t go to sleep. it was around 1 am at that time when suddenly my ears felt muffled and i heard a voice screaming nonstop. it was not too loud but i could hear the screaming sound like it was within my head. the screaming sound happened without stopping (even for taking a breath) and this happened for more than 2 minutes. I was so scared because all of my family members were already sleeping and i decided to ignore it and tried to sleep. This is where the scary shit occurred, suddenly i hear the voice calling out my name ā€œEda, Eda, Edaā€ repeatedly. It felt like the voices was inside of my head due to how loud it is. I started to cry because i was too scared and decided to shout to call out my mom while crying. I was too scared to move and I shouted for my mom to come faster. My mom woke up and entered my room, after that i didnā€™t hear the voice anymore but i was really scared. My mom brought me to my sisterā€™s room and asked me to sleep with her. Then, i started to sleep with her for a few more days/month after that because i was too scared to sleep by myself due to that incident.

the end.

thatā€™s all of my ever encounter with something scary.