
greatest love

I used to ask why things happened the way the are,
Why God took things away, causing misery,
Was it because I'm not a good servant?
Or simply born to suffer?

I questioned God a lot, wondering why,
I didn't receive things easily,
I asked, "Why, God? Why take my joy away?
With no one to rely on, lost in fear"

I felt fake among people, wearing a disguise,
But then you showed me love, a sweet surprise,
Butterflies in my stomach, then taken cruelly,
Dear God, why me? I only want the taste of happiness.

Days pass, it's harder to be faitful,
To ask for help, feeling my hope is shattered,
It's like you won't hear my plea,
No rainbow after rain, it's hard to see.

Slowly, I realize you've shown me more,
Things I missed before, when i was distracted,
I see how replaceable I am, no permanent love,
Except from you, dear God.

I feel your love, protecting me, it's true,
But I was too blind, I didn't have a clue,
Manipulated, used, and tossed aside,
People's kindness often a selfish tide.

Help me, God, I'm drowning, I pray,
Guide and wake me, show me the way,
There's no one to rely on, I feel so alone,
God, your love, please make it known.