

6th October 2023

Mika died. She’s been with us for 7 years (from 2016). She died due to parvo. Me and my mom tried our hardest to treat her and other cats, but there is 4 cats infected with parvo. The remaining 4 cats we quarantined them in the cat house while treating the sick cats in the cage in our house.

And now, suddenly moshi shows the symptom too :) she refused to eat anything anymore. she was still eating happily during the morning but then suddenly during the night she just stopped eating. i’m worried for her, the virus happened way too fast and i’m worried she will die today because it is so hard to force feed her with syringe due to her aggresiveness and trying to bite us.

i don’t know what else to do. it was so hard. i tried giving them glucose drink, helicopter grass drink, immune booster and multivitamin but i don’t know if they will survive.

i read the research article about the parvo disease and it says that the cats that survive more than 5 days are likely to recover. Please, please let them live. The three remaining cats with parvo are on their 4th day today. Abu is on his 3rd day but he’s eating well. I hope he will continue having appetite at least until the 5th day.

Moshi, it is her first day. 4 days left and i feel so hopeless. I don’t know and it is hard to focus on doing my internship report because im too busy making them eat and drink water to ensure hydration.

i was busy treating them from the morning until the night without realizing that i didnt have a single meals. after i finished for the night at 10 pm, i realized i didnt eat the whole day.

Our cats count right now.

3 death (Mika, Kimi, and Momo) 2 missing perhaps due to the same disease they started to isolate themselves and it’s been 5 days and they still didn’t return yet (Snow and Kecik) 5 with parvo (3 cats has lived for 4 days, 1 cats for 3 days and 1 cat for 1 days) 4 cats still alive and healthy quarantined in the cats house (Andin, Nino, Mikus, and Oyen)

I hope there will be no more death. if there’s anyone reading this, please pray for them :)