
sigh (inspired by the song)

In a world of endless sighs, I cry,
Lost within, in darkness, I sigh.
I know it's wrong, this endless pain,
“I’m sorry," I say, my tears flows like rain.

Why have I become so sad inside?
I must find joy, let the sorrow go,
Swap my frowns for smiles, and let me be happy.

How long have since I feel this way?
Searching for the source of my sighs,
One day, a face so similar to mine,
A little angel, so sweet and fine.

"I'll trade your sighs for joy," he spoke,
As I stood there, my heart open,
I made my wish, with all my might,
Swap my sadness for pure happiness.

He granted my wish, joy came my way,
An everyday happiness, like a sunny day.
My sighs were gone,
replaced by cheers and smile.

The angel had gone, but I was strong,
Tears wiped away,
I knew I can move forward.