
that day in october

Four months since that day in October,
Time slipping through like shifting sand,
Reminds me of the time when I was eighteen,
When it flew by in a blur,
Leaving no trace of memories,
or treasure to keep.

In these past two years,
I've pleaded for time to halt,
Clutching onto memories like fragile jewels,
Refusing to acknowledge the inevitable,
Yet reality emerge, clear vision even in night time,
That our moments was a blend of joy and pain,
Contradicting emotions that I couldn't explain.

Time played a cruel game in mocking my despair,
Dragging me to my lowest and abandoning me there,
I’m shattered with remnants of you haunting my days,
How can I go on, as if you never existed?
Was our love was just a fleeting dream?
As I saw it vanished like a mist.

Both ecstasy and agony brought by you,
A bittersweet encounter that tore me apart,
The depth of my fall was never known,
Until I hit the ground,
That day in October,
As you turned your back away,
Leaving me to pick up the shattered pieces of me,
The heart that beats only for you.

I thought i was immune to the cruel stings of love, But your tender touch,
Our late-night conversations,
As it remains as distant forgotten past,
Proved me wrong,
For love knows no mercy, no limits to it pain,
A lesson learned with tears and pain.

In these months of solitude, I've come to see,
The foolishness of my naive heart,
the depth of my love,
Yet the pieces of me you left behind,
On that day in October,
Are worthless tokens of a love,
With the best part of me wasted on you,
I was left to wonder what could have been,
If that day on October never existed.